About Denise

I am a big people fan.

I believe in the untapped power and strength in each one of us.

I also happen to believe, that lining up the strength of your body, the health of your food choices, and the balance of the picture of your life, can help create and lead to fabulousity for each one of us.

I am a Personal Trainer and professional life coach with over 25 years of transformative change.
That means I work with people who may want weight loss, stronger bodies, a better relationship with food choices, less stress, or part or all of those things.

Because I work with systems that are unique, and because I know each person is
special, I understand that the process of true change does not have a cookie cutter answer.

And if you want proof, talk to anyone of the 240 people that went through the town wide “Provincetown Fitness & Food Challenge.” I am the founder, creator and facilitated the town I live in helping to get fit.

Check out the online 12 TV shows here => Vimeo, or pop over to the Provincetown Fitness Facebook page here => Provincetown Fitness Challenge.

I am now offering an online Fitness & Food Challenge, using all the great stuff that worked in the last 5 years, in a 10 Week program called “ChallengeU”.

Click here for info => ChallengeU.

If you are willing to make your life different, willing to work hard toward a physical or other type of transformation, one that you have been afraid to try, or been putting off,


Denise Gaylord Bio