Remember when you were a kid and your mom told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day? Well, mom was right.

It’s a really big deal to fuel your body after sleep, but you have to be smart about it. I recently read a great article that sort of scared me. “We Need to Call American Breakfast What It Often Is: Dessert” compares common breakfast items to their dessert equivalent (muffins to cupcakes, yogurt to ice cream, etc.). The bottom line is that you may as well just dig into a bowl of sugar as eat most cereals or sweet breakfasts. And any place that puts whipped cream on their pancakes isn’t doing you any favors.

Here’s my advice in four steps:

  1. Eat something you like.
  2. Eat some protein.
  3. DON’T eat anything from a box or a bag
  4. Cereal is not your friend. 8 of 10 kinds of cereal have way too much sugar. If that’s your favorite kind of breakfast, read the box carefully, or go with steel-cut oatmeal topped with fresh fruit.

Here’s a link to the article: breakfast-nutrition-facts

(Thanks to our old pal Gary Palcheo for the heads up on this article!)

Denise’s 2 Cents:

Processing and hidden sugars have turned even innocuous things like cereal, granola and protein bars into weapons that will undo all your best efforts at staying fit. The more that a food is in its natural state, the healthier it will be.